July News
I would like to regularly provide you with information that maintains currency and is of value to you.
- As of July 1st ALL referrals for support services that receive government subsidies are to be made through the MyAgedCare phone or web application process. Ph 1800 200 422.
This is for people aged over 65 years or those of aboriginal status over 50. People in this criteria with DVA entitlements can decide whether to receive services via MyAgedCare OR DVA but cannot receive services from both.
Referrals for people under the age of 65 are to be forwarded to Domiciliary Care Access Service Ph 1300 295 673. (Access to Home Care has been closed). You can find more information on the attached document, noting that the HACC type low, low level Services are now referred to as level 1 & 2 services whilst packaged care are level 3 & 4. Level 3 & 4, respite and residential care approvals all require an ACAT assessment. You can find a service referral form in the service providers section on the MyAgedCAre website. Another significant change is the removal of the terminology HACC which is replaced with Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP). - The 6 facts about dementia came to me over facebook. It highlights some of the significant things we can do to offer normality back into the lives of those with dementia. If you haven’t yet read or seen the DVD ‘Still Alice’ I recommend you add this to your ‘to do’ list. The book was written by Lisa Genova.
- If you would like to have ‘Aged Care Assistance’ brochures, business cards or fridge magnets at your service please contact me. I am happy to speak personally with you or a group of colleagues if there is ever an opportunity for me to do so. If I cannot answer your questions I will source answers for you.
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- 6 Facts about a person with dementia pdf
- fact sheet july 2015_for_older_people_their_families_and_carers pdf