Everyone’s circumstances differ in relation to what you might be looking for, what you know about what is available, and even what might be available (or not available) to you depending on the area in which you live.
Mostly people begin to learn about what is available and the varying processes employed by people to access services through word of mouth. This doesn’t always provide you with all the information you need. It is important that you are honest about the living issues a person has when talking with service providers. This is the best way to ensure that any plans that might be made are as successful as they can be in helping a person feel safe and secure as well as happy with their lifestyle and living conditions.
It is not unusual that the older person resists discussions on receiving ‘helping’ services of support. They often feel highly embarrassed at needing help and deny themselves help to maintain their dignity. You might need to talk this over with them several times and invite someone else into the discussions to support an eventual shared and bilaterally agreed upon plan of support.
Your local GP or Hospital Registered Nurse (or Social Worker in larger Metropolitan Hospitals) can provide you with information on what types of support services there are in your area. They can also begin the required process of arranging a formal ACCR assessment by the Aged Care Assessment Team should you require more than 2-3 hours of support per week or are looking to use Respite Care, Transitional Care or a Permanent move into a Residential Care Facility.
Contact your Medical Clinic, local Council or Aged Care Service Provider for information on who provides Private services or government subsidised Home Assist services in your area. NOTE – There are some agencies who focus on Carer support and they may offer short periods of in-home respite without need for formal referral processes.
Formal assessments are required: 1. ACCR by a regional Aged Care Assessment Team ( you can find out the name of your regional ACAT service on the Commonwealth Government Myagedcare website). 2. Centrelink Aged Care Fees Income Assessment (link) Note not required if you receive an Aged Pension, Disability Support pension or Dept. Veteran Affairs service pension or income support supplement because Centrelink already holds your financial status information.
Formal assessments are required: 1. ACCR by a regional Aged Care Assessment Team ( you can find out the name of your regional ACAT service on the Commonwealth Government Myagedc are website) 2. Centrelink Aged Care Fees Income Assessment (link) Note not required if you receive an Aged Pension, Disability Support pension or Dept. Veteran Affairs service pension or income support supplement because Centrelink already holds your financial status information..
Formal assessments are required: 1. ACCR by a regional Aged Care Assessment Team ( you can find out the name of your regional ACAT service on the Commonwealth Government Myagedc are website) 2. Centrelink Aged Care Fees Income Assessment (link) Note not required if you receive an Aged Pension, Disability Support pension or Dept. Veteran Affairs service pension or income support supplement because Centrelink already holds your financial status information..
Formal assessments are required: 1. ACCR by a regional Aged Care Assessment Team ( you can find out the name of your regional ACAT service on the Commonwealth Government Myagedc are website) 2. Centrelink Aged Care Fees Income Assessment (link) Note not required if you receive an Aged Pension, Disability Support pension or Dept. Veteran Affairs service pension or income support supplement because Centrelink already holds your financial status information..